What would be the reason why a blog owner would suddenly show up and write a post after more than a month of absence? I guess it has to be the love for writing (or the lack of it..whichever works for you). For the past month, I've been a non-writer -- immersing myself in activities which make a person "normal" in society. I forgot that WRITERS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THAT.
Writers are supposed to be like this:
* Eccentric
* Weird
* err...Couch Potatoes?
* Moody
* Sarcastic
* Inquisitive (in short, mtanong)
* Reflective
* ERRATIC (a weird word which came up after one of my erratic moments..so I learned it)
* Solitary
As a self proclaimed writer, and as someone who has written more for others than for myself, I can say that I have at least...ALL of the mentioned qualities above. LOL. And each time I start becoming a "normal" person in the most stereotypical sense of the word...I lose the flair for writing.
And I found out...BLOGGING is not meant to record daily activities. I tried that. It was stressful! Blogging is a sort of catharsis (a cliche' word which actually means, a process of expressing pent up feelings and emotions).
Emotions must pile up throughout days and weeks before you can start writing something that makes sense.
Anyway, for the past two years, I have written a bunch of articles which aim to entertain target audiences all over the web. Sure I earn from these articles, but it wouldn;t hurt if you take a look. Have fun: