Sunday, March 3, 2013

Exclusive viral photo / movie marathon cut short / jogging plans

Good morning! Finally had a chance to post again here on my long lost blog. I think I've spent more time the past few months writing in other people's websites that I barely have time to write on mine.

Anyway, as I write this it's March 3, 2013, and it's 1:03 in the morning. I'm lying down on my bed, which is spread right on the floor in front of my laptop...I have an ear muff, err...white ear plug..whatever you call it, and it's pretty snug here  if you ask me. If you're finding it hard to visualize me in this state, here's a live photo to illustrate:

I took this photo about 30 seconds ago. Probably got tired at looking at my old blog posts which contains zero pics. Might as well utilise Bluetooth while it's still not obsolete. (Next time, I'll try to post more meanigful pics than this one though. :) ).

So What's Up

It's a weekend now and obviously I'm away from my busy office life, basically just doing nothing. I was scouting for some new Gospel songs earlier to teach to our choir, then I ended up watching some boxing videos, then in an effort to fall asleep, attempted to watch Jango Unchained, but my attention span tonight isn't much to finish a 3 hour film.

So there, I finally resorted to this blog post, and that's how you got stuck here. ;)

Jogging Plans

Earlier today after looking at my chubby face and abs, I finally had an inkling to go jogging again. Plans to dominate the Malacanang jogging space instantly came to mind. I was hoping to begin tomorrow (or technically, later..which is Sunday morning).

This probably came as a direct result of watching the Rocky Balboa movies again. Oh no.

Plans are now set! But reality sinks jogging a joke or a reality? Probably the former, but let's see. ;)

You Fell Into The Trap

So obviously, this post appeared like I was about to say something, but now you can;t escape the fact that I have nothing to say tonight and I'm just bored and I posted that pic to invade your personal life and that this blog post is just an effort to kill time and will probably won't make it viral in cyber space but the thing is I am sleepy now and this blog post served it's purpose well of lulling me to sleep and I hope it did for you too.........

Talk to you again in a few months!!! :)