Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thoughts On Opportunity -- (how to spot them and grab them)

as a web marketer, i had the lucky privilege of working with a startup company, from the first day of its operations up to its present stage of nationwide growth. when I decided to make the decision to commit myself to a fledgling firm, not a few people began to show concern on whether I was making the right call, simply because the instant thing that comes to mind is the possibility of failure for startup companies. is this concern valid?

i believe the fear of being involved in a startup company arises from man's subtle need to be part of something big. we all despise being "just a face in the crowd" but deep inside we are programmed to follow institutions and well established systems. we are often "wowed" at the sight of huge organizations and our herd mentality instantly identifies with those who are part of something big.

my personal view, however, is that the bigger the organization, the more institutionalized you become. the more institutionalized you become, the less you think for yourself (because the system and structure thinks on your behalf). the more you become a mindless zombie, the less potential you exert and the less fulfillment you feel.

let me assert that fledgling organizations are the cradle of multi-talented people. this is because the people who are part of such enterprises operate on a higher work ethic. they don't work for prestige. they don't work just for money. they don't do things just because the system told them to do so. Instead they operate on initiative because they already understand the rules of the game. their level of business acumen is not too far behind their genius business owner, and they strive to build the business AS IF they are stakeholders of the enterprise. high level employees turned businessmen that come to mind are Michael Dell, the late Steve Jobs, WARREN BUFFETT, the list goes on and on!

furthermore, people who commit themselves to a startup enterprise have the world's greatest quality --  HOPE. In effect they also get to enjoy the world's greatest benefit -- FREEDOM. when they have the freedom to express their individuality in the workplace, they also radiate the world's best attitude - LOYALTY. look at all the succesful people who ever walked this earth, and you'll find that they are the ones with hope, freedom and loyalty.

most people fail to realize a true opportunity when they see it. a real opportunity is something you can grab almost without hesitation, because the potential for success is so great and you have the privilege to be part of that major move when it finally happens. as a trader and investor of stock securities in my off-hours, I learned this valuable lesson of sticking with the not too popular but has the strongest potential for growth. this, in my opinion, is the best kind of opportunity that any man or woman can take.

by: v.cutar

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