Monday, January 17, 2011

if you have a cat, read this. :)

Just a few days ago, I have been reading a magazine article, and one writer wrote about an interesting attitude that all cats have in common.

Now, I'm not sure if this is 100% real, but I just feel like blogging about it. lol

Research has shown that when a cat enters a room full of people, the animal usually approaches the person who has the most amount of indifference (in other words, kung sino yung taong pinaka-hindi namamansin sa ang lalapitan ng pusa..haha).

This attitude is hard-wired and automatic in cats. To prove if this idea is true, I tried it on our cat, Blessing. When he entered the room one morning while everyone is having breakfast, I didn't call him or throw him any food. I acted as if I didn't see the poor cat. After a few minutes, I can see the cat (through my peripheral vision) approaching me slowly! Then he started to play with my foot, trying to get my attention.


Anyway, the research also found that the same trait or attitude of cats toward indifference ARE PRESENT IN MANY HUMAN BEINGS! lol

But don't bother trying this on people. Do it to your cat first!!! hahaha.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha.....kaya pala laging lumalapit sa akin!

jeremy said...

nak ako yang nag-comment sa itaas..